Civil Construction Unit (CCU)
Establishment Divisions
- Administration
- Budget and Accounts (BA)
- Cash Section (Cash)
- Civil Construction Unit (CCU)
- Development Monitoring and Evalution (DME)
- Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Cell
- Economic Division (ED)
- General Administration (GA)
- General Coordination (GC)
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Integrated Finance (IF)
- Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU)
- International Coorperation (IC)
- Legal Monitoring Cell (LMC)
- Media Cell (MC)
- National Green Tribunal Cell (NGT)
- National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)
- Non - Govermental Organisations (NGO)
- Official Language (OL)
- Parliament
- Policy & Law (PL)
- Protocol
- Public Grievances (PG)
- Statistical Cell
- Swachh aur Swasth Bharart Cell
- Trade and Environment (T&E)
- Vigilance
Environment Divisions
- Clean Technology (CT)
- Climate Change (CC)
- Conservation and Survey (CS)
- Control of Pollution (CP)
- Environment Education (EE)
- Environmental Health(EH)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Information (EI)
- Hazardous Substances Management (HSM)
- Montreal Protocol & Ozone Cell
- Research in Environment(RE)
- Items of Work Handled
- Ramsar Convention
- National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems
- Capacity Building and Outreach
- Regulatory Framework, Wetlands Rules
- National Wetlands Inventory & Assessment
- Wetlands of India Portal
- World Wetlands Day
- Wetlands Publications
- Success Stories
- Global Wetland Outlook
- Contact Details
- Life Cell
Forest & Wildlife Divisions
- Desertification Cell
- Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
- Externally Aided Projects (EAP)
- Forest Conservation (FC)
- Forest Eductation (FE)
- Forest Establishment (FE)
- Forest Policy (FP)
- Forest Protection (FPD)
- Forest Services (FS)
- Green India Mission (GIM)
- Project Elephant (PE)
- Regional Office Head Quarter (ROHQ)
- Research & Training (Forestry) (RT)
- Survey and Utilization (SU)
- Wildlife (WL)
In accordance with the decision of Government of India that each major scientific department with substantial annual civil works budget should have a Civil Engineering Unit of its own, a separate Civil Construction Unit was set up in the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change in March, 1987 under the charge of a Chief Engineer. The Civil Construction Unit was created with a view to expeditious implementation of work connected with plan schemes. The unit is a separate entity under the administrative control of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change.
The Engineering staff is en-cadre from CPWD, whereas the other establishment staff is posted either from the Ministry or CPWD
or recruited directly for the CCU unit. The unit comprises two main cells i.e. Planning & Construction on the pattern of CPWD being the Premier Engineering Organization for developing infrastructure of Indian Government. The unit is also functioning on the same pattern of CPWD. Four field units known as Division i.e. three headed by Executive Engineers (Civil) and one by the Executive Engineer (Electrical) are in existence to look after the construction activities assigned to the CCU unit. One field unit is stationed at Delhi and one at Dehradun for construction activities in Northern Region. The third one is located at Bengaluru to look after the work falling under the jurisdiction of the Southern Region. The construction works in the Western and Eastern Regions are undertaken by CPWD but monitoring is done by this unit as well. To achieve effective control on construction activities, the sub-divisions headed by Assistant Engineers of both civil and electrical discipline are also located outside Delhi at Dehradun, Bhopal, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, and Almora.
Presently, the unit is well catering to the needs of construction works for all the main and attached offices under the Ministry such as Botanical Survey of India, Zoological Survey of India, Forest Survey of India, National Museum of Natural History, Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Animal Welfare Division and autonomous bodies funded by the Ministry like Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education, G B Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment & Sustainable Development, Indian Institute of Forest Management, Indian Plywood Research and Training Institute, Central Pollution Control Board, and Central Zoo Authority. A large number of Office Buildings, Laboratories, Museums and Residential Quarters have so far been occupied which were completed across the country like Almora, Dehradun, Jodhpur, Jabalpur, Bhopal, Delhi, Mysore, Bengaluru, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Shimla and Chhindwara etc.