Environmental Information System (ENVIS)
Establishment Divisions
- Administration
- Budget and Accounts (BA)
- Cash Section (Cash)
- Civil Construction Unit (CCU)
- Development Monitoring and Evalution (DME)
- Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Cell
- Economic Division (ED)
- General Administration (GA)
- General Coordination (GC)
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Integrated Finance (IF)
- Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU)
- International Coorperation (IC)
- Legal Monitoring Cell (LMC)
- Media Cell (MC)
- National Green Tribunal Cell (NGT)
- National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)
- Non - Govermental Organisations (NGO)
- Official Language (OL)
- Parliament
- Policy & Law (PL)
- Protocol
- Public Grievances (PG)
- Statistical Cell
- Swachh aur Swasth Bharart Cell
- Trade and Environment (T&E)
- Vigilance
Environment Divisions
- Clean Technology (CT)
- Climate Change (CC)
- Conservation and Survey (CS)
- Control of Pollution (CP)
- Environment Education (EE)
- Environmental Health(EH)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Information (EI)
- Hazardous Substances Management (HSM)
- Montreal Protocol & Ozone Cell
- Research in Environment(RE)
- Items of Work Handled
- Ramsar Convention
- National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems
- Capacity Building and Outreach
- Regulatory Framework, Wetlands Rules
- National Wetlands Inventory & Assessment
- Wetlands of India Portal
- World Wetlands Day
- Wetlands Publications
- Success Stories
- Global Wetland Outlook
- Contact Details
- Life Cell
Forest & Wildlife Divisions
- Desertification Cell
- Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
- Externally Aided Projects (EAP)
- Forest Conservation (FC)
- Forest Eductation (FE)
- Forest Establishment (FE)
- Forest Policy (FP)
- Forest Protection (FPD)
- Forest Services (FS)
- Green India Mission (GIM)
- Project Elephant (PE)
- Regional Office Head Quarter (ROHQ)
- Research & Training (Forestry) (RT)
- Survey and Utilization (SU)
- Wildlife (WL)
Environmental Information System
Information for Ministry’s Website in respect of Environmental Information Division.The Environmental Information (El) Division implements the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) Scheme. The ENVIS serves as a single-stop web-enabled repository of comprehensive environmental information with collection, collation, storage. retrieval and dissemination of the same through a nationwide network of ENVIS Hubs(hosted by the Environment/ Forest Department of State Governments/ UT Administrations) and ENVIS Resource Partners(RPs) ( hosted by environment related governmental and non-governmental organizations/institutes of professional
excellence). El Division handles the following areas of work related to the revamped ENVIS Scheme, after termination of the XlIth Five Year Plan:
- To promote, implement and coordinate Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP), an initiative to skill youth in environment, forest and wildlife sectors and enabling them to be gainfully employed or self employed.
- To implement and coordinate National Environment Survey(NES) — a Gridbased Resource Information and Decision Support System(GRIDSS) for sustainable management of natural resources. The survey would be conducted at the district level to fill in data gaps in respect of various environmental parameters such as emission inventory and pollution; forest and wildlife(flora and fauna); wetlands; rivers and other water bodies; public health etc.
- To implement and coordinate Community-driven Environmentally Sustainable Village Programme (CESVP) with the objective of mobilizing communities on environmental issues, creating decentralized models of development to
empower local communities and build an awareness driven atmosphere in villages to adopt environmentally sustainable practices at community level. - To build a repository and dissemination centre in Environmental Science Information and Management (ESIM).
- To enable application of modern technologies of acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information of environmental nature
- To support and promote research, development and innovation in ESIM.
- To build storage, retrieval and dissemination capabilities, with the ultimate objective of disseminating information speedily to the users.
- To build a strong statistical base such that ENVIS is recognised as a South Asian Hub for ESIM.
- To promote national cooperation and liaise with agencies concerned for exchange of environment related information.
- To promote, support and assist education and personnel training programmes designed to enhance ESIM capabilities.
- Periodic convening of the meeting of Steering Committee to review the functioning of the Scheme.
- Review and approval of Annual Plan of activities of each of 67 ENVIS Hubs/RPs across the country, set up for providing scientific, technical and semi-technical information on various environmental issues.
- Coordination of all activities and monitoring and overseeing the functioning of the ENVIS Hubs/RPs through the ENVIS Focal Point located in El Division
- Auditing and upgrading of websites of each of the ENVIS Hubs/RPs ” maintained on National Information Centre (NIC) Portal.
- Updation and maintenance of an ENVIS Portal connecting all ENVIS Hubs/RPs.
- Coordination of and conducting annual performance review of each ENVIS Hub/RP independently and also through a National Evaluation Committees of Experts on both thematic issues and Status of Environment and Related Issues.
- Updation and maintenance of India State-Level Basic Environmental Information Database (ISBEID) to collect, compile and disseminate State/UTs environmental information in 17 modules and 49 sub modules covering 337 parameters at the state/district level on a centralized server.
- All financial matters relating to the scheme and programmes handled the Division.