Forest Policy (FP)
Establishment Divisions
- Administration
- Budget and Accounts (BA)
- Cash Section (Cash)
- Civil Construction Unit (CCU)
- Development Monitoring and Evalution (DME)
- Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Cell
- Economic Division (ED)
- General Administration (GA)
- General Coordination (GC)
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Information Technology (IT)
- Integrated Finance (IF)
- Internal Work Study Unit (IWSU)
- International Coorperation (IC)
- Legal Monitoring Cell (LMC)
- Media Cell (MC)
- National Green Tribunal Cell (NGT)
- National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)
- Non - Govermental Organisations (NGO)
- Official Language (OL)
- Parliament
- Policy & Law (PL)
- Protocol
- Public Grievances (PG)
- Statistical Cell
- Swachh aur Swasth Bharart Cell
- Trade and Environment (T&E)
- Vigilance
Environment Divisions
- Clean Technology (CT)
- Climate Change (CC)
- Conservation and Survey (CS)
- Control of Pollution (CP)
- Environment Education (EE)
- Environmental Health(EH)
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
- Environmental Information (EI)
- Hazardous Substances Management (HSM)
- Montreal Protocol & Ozone Cell
- Research in Environment(RE)
- Items of Work Handled
- Ramsar Convention
- National Plan for Conservation of Aquatic Eco-systems
- Capacity Building and Outreach
- Regulatory Framework, Wetlands Rules
- National Wetlands Inventory & Assessment
- Wetlands of India Portal
- World Wetlands Day
- Wetlands Publications
- Success Stories
- Global Wetland Outlook
- Contact Details
- Life Cell
Forest & Wildlife Divisions
- Desertification Cell
- Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
- Externally Aided Projects (EAP)
- Forest Conservation (FC)
- Forest Eductation (FE)
- Forest Establishment (FE)
- Forest Policy (FP)
- Forest Protection (FPD)
- Forest Services (FS)
- Green India Mission (GIM)
- Project Elephant (PE)
- Regional Office Head Quarter (ROHQ)
- Research & Training (Forestry) (RT)
- Survey and Utilization (SU)
- Wildlife (WL)
The Forest Policy Division deals with National Forest Policy, 1988 and Indian Forest Act, 1927. The Division acts as a Think Tank on forest policy matters and works for their integration with other Natural Resources Management Sectors. It provides inputs on forestry matters to the policies of other relevant sectors. The Division carries out review of National Forest Policy to align with the recent developments and changes in the socio-economic, scientific and legal frameworks. The Division examines and provides comments on the State/Central Bills related with the forestry matters. The Division works on international forest policy processes and engages with United Nations Forum on Forests on International Arrangement on Forests. It coordinates on forestry matters with Forestry Division and Committee on Forestry of FAO of United Nations and its Regional Commission of Asia Pacific forestry Commission.The Division acts as Nodal Point for various bilateral and multilateral international co-operations on forestry related matters. The Division organizes bilateral visits of Forestry Delegations from other countries.
The Division is headed by Inspector General of Forests who is assisted by Deputy Inspector General of Forests , Assistant Inspector General of Forests, one Technical Officer (Forestry) and one Section Officer.
II- Organisation:
The Division is headed by Inspector General of Forests who is assisted by Assistant Inspector General of Forests and one Technical Officer (Forestry) Grade-I.
III. Mandate/ Subject Matters of the Forest Policy Division:
- National Forest Policy, 1988 and its amendment, State Forest Policies.
- Indian Forest Act, 1927 and its amendments , State Forest Act including other Forest Legislations {excludingForest (Conservation) Act, 1980, Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 and Biological Diversity Act, 2002.
- Forestry related matter and issues in respect of the policies and legislations of other Central Ministries/Departments.
- Harmonization of Indian Forest Act with Forest Rights Act, 2006 and the PESA, 1996 in coordination with Ministry of Tribal Affairs and Ministry of Panchayati Raj.
- Formulation of Policies and Guidelines on various forestry matters.
- Nodal Division for forest related Climate Change, REDD+ and Biodiversity matters in the Ministry and coordinates for implementation of the programmes/projects related to REDD+, Forest PLUS etc. Provides forestry inputs to IC, CC and other divisions of the Ministry on SDGs, MDGs, CC, CBD, CCD etc.
- Sustainable Forest Management.
- Nodal Division for coordination of the implementation of USAID Forest PLUS Program.
- Forest Ministers’ Conference, National Consultation Meeting of PCCF&HoFF’s etc.
- Policy aspects of Joint Forest Management.
- National Forest Commission.
- Celebration of International Day on Forests.
- Nodal Division for matter related to World Forestry Congress.
- International Cooperation on Forestry Matters: Forest Policy Division is the Nodal Division for multilateral and bilateral cooperation on forestry matters viz. UNFF, COFO, APFC, CIFOR, APFISN, UN-REDD and International Poplar Commission of FAO and bilateral international cooperation with China, USA on forestry matters:
- United Nations Forum on Forests. (UNFF).
- Committee on Forestry (COFO) of Food & Agriculture organization (FAO) of the United Nations.
- Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) of FAO.
- Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
- Asia Pacific Forest Invasive Species Network (APFISN).
- International Poplar Commission of FAO.
- UN-REDD of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- IGF (Forest Policy) acts as National Focal Point for UNFF, COFO, APFC, UN-REDD and International Poplar Commission.
- Organizing workshops/meetings for sensitization and creating awareness of the State Forest Departments and Central Forestry Institutions on the international forest policy matters, International Arrangement on Forests and the implementation of UN Strategic Plan for Forests , six Global Forest Goals , Forest Principles, etc. in India.
- Convener of Consultative Group Meeting for International negotiations on forestry matters
IV. Subordinate and attached Offices under Forest Policy division:
There is no Subordinate office attached under Forest Policy Division.